Thu 09 Jan
♥°•° Great Assets, 🎈Mouth Watering Skills & 🎆🎆🎆💡Friendly Demeanor ♥°•° That I Know You'll Love. - 28
(near hrbt outside gate 4 ocean view, Norfolk)
2 HOTTIES for 200hr! Ready NOW! 100% real and recent pics cash/credit. - 23
(Pittsburgh, 1 hour radius from pgh)
$100 Specials$ •••►LeT ME★BE YouR★SeXY SeCrET▀▄▀▄-:¦:-I DO IT -:¦:- THE BEST▀▄ Available Now! - 23
Model Vixen Playmate I'm Better than the girl from your favorite scene 💕🅱B🅱J Friendly - 22
Sweet!!🍭 TrIcK or tReAt👻HELP me🎃tAke off my 👿Halloween CosTumE*🍭 - 26
(Irwin west Mifflin white oak waterfront, Pittsburgh)
Always new faces,Not just a treat,its a rewarding and pleasureble expierence
(Altoona, Chambersburg, Lancaster, York, central pa incall & outcall)
( ( ( ★ SUPER SEXY ★ ) ) ) 24 HOURS★ ONCE IN A LIFETIME ★ 24 HOURS★ Delicious BaRbiE★*•-: - 32
((¯`• INCALL •´¯), Wichita)
The tastiest one on the menu.Cum and have a snack..and fulfil your sexual hunger - 21
*.*.NEW TO THE GAME,But READY And Waiting To Make You MY FIRST..5 ★ESCORTS .MLK Special.*.* - 19
💎❤️👑💋💦BUSTY PRiNCeSS 💎💋👑💎❤️‼️ _________I Want To Be Your FAVORITE ‼️😋💦💦 _ ✔️✔️✔️VISITING - 21
(Northern Virginia, Springfield)
🎬NeW Pornhub Amatuer🎬 🌟Come Enjoy What I Do 👅💋💆 Ready & Willing & Wⓔⓣⓣ 👯RⓔⓐL PICS 💯% REAL - 25
(Hillsborough Co, Hillsborough county (New Number), Tampa)
"The Entertainment Company" An Experience you will not forget - 28
(Tri-Cities, BristolTn/VA-JohnsonCity-Kingsport&Surr;)
Specials **❤ ° •★ •° ° •★ A PeTiTe SwEeT HoTTiE •★ •° ° •★ • ❤** Specials - 21
(South Jersey, Brooklawn (( incall only )))
Gabriella... Gabriella... Gabriella... Is All You Will Be able To Say!! I Promise!
(S. Jersey, CC, City Ave. Phila)
🌟🌟 OUTCALL'S 🌟🌟 Don't Wait Call Now!!! BEST IN TOWN 100% Real Blonde 😍👸🏼 Ready Have Sum Rounds😻💦 - 23
(Elk.Mishawka.Goshen.Plymouth.Laporte., South Bend)
CORBIN...LONDON ....Traveling I-75 ?? Take a BREAK .. I Love BIG TRUCKS - 28
(Lexington, CORBIN...LONDON...Truck Friendly)
* ׺° ` °º×- EXQUISITE -׺° `°º×... ° AbSoLuTeLy °° InToXiCaTiNg °° -׺° `°º×.. - - 24
(Lexington, tates creek incall)
Your Ultimate Dream Girl
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York, In my bedroom putting on a corset :-P)
____* TaKe A PeEk* @ ThE ★___MAiN ATTRACTiON___ ★ AmAZiNg __*5 STAR QUALiTY * - - - 22
(Monroeville InCalls 80" Specials)
Sexy Nina here to have fun come have a good time/don't wait won't be here long/Can I treat you speci - 19
(Philadelphia, Temple area)
❤️❤️ BoOty LoVeRs #1 PiCk 💎💎 ViSiTiNg Available NoW 🍑🍑 BlOnDe PLaYMaTe 💋💋 - 24
(Incalls kop, North, Philadelphia)
___ ....___ E V E R Y T H I N G___....____ you ___ .... __ N E E D____ & ___ WANT ..... SEXY!!!!!!! - 24
(Palm Springs)
Exotic and Passionate Fun
(Biloxi, Hattiesburg, Jackson, Meridian, North Mississippi, Southwest Mississippi)
LAST NIGHT -:¦:-{{SeXy}} -:¦:- STuNNinG -:¦:- ExOtiC -:¦:- ASiAN-:¦:- {{CoMPaNiOn}} -:¦:- NeW - 23
❣ Educated and sophisticated is what you seek. I am the one with whom you should speak - 28
(Harrisburg, Harrisburg Incall / Outcall)
STOP✋ RiGHT ⚠️ THERΞ 🚨--👆 I'M B@CK (Manassas )🌙🌞 SkiLLeD £Bony GoDDesses⇉👉1O0% me 💋 - 24
(Northern Virginia, Manassas incall only)
««$€xx¡¡€®¡K@!!»»::*5 $t@R €xP¡3R3nC3*::«« ::OUTCALL SPECIAL:: - 21
(York, Private York Incall 24/7)
Sexy and Sweet Newby Holly!! __ lets spend som time togher now!! summer special! 717-599-1998.
(Chambersburg, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Reading, York, outcallonly)
Bubbles 🎂 OUTCALL only Feitish Friendly - 23
(North, OUTCALL 👉📞🚕🏡💰😜 CALL NOW 24/7, Philadelphia, West)
😻😻SUPER THICK & BUSTY(๏ 人 ๏) 💦Jaw Droppin Skills🍫crazy mouth🍫Flexable👄👄👄👄 - 23
(Harrisburg, Incall only /harrisburg)
Looking for $omeone with them Awe$ome MOUTH $KIll$?? $45 $pecial.... - 35
(Lexington, lexington-incall)
are u done with the rest? now call me in somerset .discreet fun everyday EXCEPT not on sundays. - 45
(Lexington, somerset ky,not lexington)
New College Girl Style Models Wanted - 25
(Lawton, Oklahoma City, Stillwater, Tulsa, FREE travel to Denver!)
Working all day!!! ****Its me or it's free**** available all week! Best in town!! Great reviews - 24
(Lexington, in-out call Lexington)