Mon 27 Jan
Mega Booty Cutie On Duty !!! SuperFreaky Tounge Ring Goddess :) Specials Come pLAY WIT A REAL wOMAN - 25
°M°A °G° I °C° A °L°L°Y °° °° D°E °L°I °C° I° O°U ° S - 22
(Little Rock, little rock, and surrounding areas)
+++LookinG To Unwrap soMethInG SpeciAl for ValenTines DaY??+++ - 41
Get a Great Massage + + + From a Great Provider w/ Great Reviews! AVAILABLE TODAY ... 12pm - 9pm - 27
(Upscale Incall - Midtown - Downtown)
*New Arrival* Fun-Size* Come N C Me I Love Satisfying YOU!!!! 75 Specials 75 - 22
(Little Rock, little rock west)
~ From ~ Galveston & my name is C H A N N E L & T h e y call me a (5 ) Star B i t c h / new pi - 19
(Southwest/Westchase/Westimer & Belyway 8)
{ M$. Pinky }✔✔Certified Super Freak ツ T R I P L E ( X X X ) pleasure!!! - 22
(Little Rock, West little Rock)
° °?★?° ° Locked° ° °?★?° ° Do u Hold the KEY? $60 SPEC!aL - 23
**FUN Lucero + more now @ Eroticas *140 /hr ** 100/ hh ** 80/quick !! Open till 8 p.m - 23
(Houston, 610/Ella Blvd)
☆★♥♡ Fr€@Ky 3bONy Tr3@T ☆★♥♡ Call for Specials ♡♥ ★☆ « upscale provider » - 22
(Beaumont/Pt Arthur, Beaumont in/out call)
🌟💋🌟🌹🌟🍷French 🌟 Mature Blonde Victoria 🌟 Sexiest as Ever (281)667-2404🌟💋🌟🌹🌟🍷 - 51
(Baybrook Mall Area - Clear Lake - SE, Baytown, City of Houston, Galveston, Galveston/Webster/Dickinson, Houston, Pasadena)
☎️👘👛☎️ ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ 👔☎️ FREE TABLE SHOWER - $39.99 - 1/2HR SPECIAL ☎️👔 ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ☎️ - 21
(City of Houston, houston)
650-278-3330————— —————▃▃HOT ASIAN GIRL▃▃—✦ ————— ————— ♥ —— ——— ————— ————— ————— —————▃▃HOT ASIAN - 22
(Columbus, Colunmbus Grove Cityk✨kiss me baby)
****New & Sexy Brown Skin**** IN TOWN SPECIAL****** - 27
MEMPHIS CHICK ~*~**~*~~ NoBoDy dOeS It lIkE Me ~*~** SoUtHeRnn sEdUcTrEsS ~*~* cOmE PlAy - 21
(Little Rock, southwest)
☞ L ⓞ ⓞ K THE P®ETTiEST 36dd ALL NATU®AL SUPE® F®EAKY $75 $PE©iAL ☞ - 28
🏆✨🌟 Forget the Rest, Choose the Best 🌟✨🏆 - 21
(Baytown, City of Houston, Conroe, Galveston, Galveston/Webster/Dickinson, Houston, Houston & surrounding areas, Missouri City, Pasadena, Pearland, Sugar Land, The Woodlands)
Alexis $50 out call or car fun special!!614-779-2255 \ 4th of July light my fireworks guys!! - 26
(Columbus, Columbus out calls)
!!!Foreign Mix Breed Goddest!!!... $PECIAL$!!!Guarantee Satisfaction - 21
(City of Houston, 1960 & 45)
FIND ALL ESCORTS HERE - Pics & Phone # for GFE, PSE, BBW, Asian, Latina, Ebony!!
(Beaumont/Pt Arthur, College Station, Galveston, Houston)
$$$ Let me show you a good time! Call Eden 501-529-5216! $$$ - 29
(Little Rock, Little Rock, NLR, Maumelle)
⭐JUst Arrived ❤ Nubi@n MiXeD ×❤ BoOTY×❤× Kinky💕 $60⭐SpeCiaLs! - 23
(Little Rock, WLR/ In & Out( UP aLL NiT€ ))
♥ ---- EXTREMELY SATISFYING ! ==new pics==( *SuPeR hOt!*) SeXy EbOnY NyMpHo - 20
(59 South & Beltway 8)
🍓🍒🍬 CoMe NoW OPeN AcceSS SpeCiaLs, Who On MY LeVeL⁉️👅💦 ATL BomBSheLL👠👙💄 AVaiLable Now😻 - 21
♥:: • [ FLaWL€SS ] • ::♥ • [ S€DuCTIV€ ] • ♥:: • [ UNFoRG€TTABL€] • ::♥ - 25
(Houston, (....all over houston outcall ...))
***** ~~~~~ KyLiE ** KyLiE ** KyLiE ** IN-cAll AvAiLaBLe 10am-9pm!! dOn'T miSS oUT! ~~~~~ ***** - 30
✈ FLiGHT TO ✈ (¯` °SATiSFACTiON° ´¯) ✈ 36 DD'S!!! L ( . ) ( . ) K !! - 25
(Houston, Galleria Incalls)
(¯`?´¯) -:¦:- F i S h N e T -:¦:- FriDaY -:¦:- FaNtaSies -:¦: - (¯`?´¯) - 27
(Houston, INCALL /100 n 200 OUTCALL SPECIAL)
2ND GIRL FREE.. Two is ALWAYS better then one. Have the best of both worlds... - 29
(Columbus, North ( private upscale location ))
🔴🔴🔴__ ❡ i η❡℮ R __🔴🔴🔴__ ($225/hour SPECIAL!) __🔴🔴🔴 __ D-O-U-B-L-E-S with Monica Kitten!__ 🔴🔴🔴 - 36
(Little Rock)
♥40 Rose Quick Fix In Call Special♥ ♕ ♥♥♥ ♕ARIAH♕ ♥♥♥ ♕ 614-670-3781 - 28
(Columbus, ♥♥ West In Calls Anytime 24/7 ♥♥)
🎀😋😘$40quick stop Play with Me in my DReam World 💋💋 Real Freaky sexy Ebony Girl - 29
(Columbus, My place east Brice rd)
💗Hot as Hell ^OMG 💗Gorgeous 💋Tall leggy Redhead Upscale Super Busty 38DDD Ultimate Hottie VIP - 27
(Little Rock, WLR$Financial/Surrounding In&Out; 24/7)
👊HERE👊★➋🌟 PLEASE ❌⭕ WiTH◯UT ★A🌟 D◯UBT ❌⭕ExOtiC★Bombshell★IN T◯WN❌⭕❌⚪ D◯NT ★MiSS 🌟◯UT ✖Available - 33
(Little Rock, N.L.R)
Exotic thick Latina!💋💋 Hobby area 🍒🍒Si hablo español papi! 45 south❤️⏱waiting for you! - 25
(45 south Fuqua hobby airport, City of Houston, Galveston, Galveston/Webster/Dickinson, Houston)
Feast Ur Eyes On The Essence Of A Latina Who Wants To Make U Smile - 33
(Houston, Hobby Airport Pasadena Clearlake)
$$$50$$$ Victoria $$$50$$$ sweet🍰treat with taste that can't be beat! - 25
(Columbus, west columbus hilliard by casino)
2 sexxy girls to fullifill your fantasys!!incall and outcall! 6143771699 - 19
(Columbus, outcall and incall)
💋🌸 Exotic 💜 💋 🇹🇮🇬🇭🇹↯INsANE CuRvEs A BaD GiRl FrEaKy kiNkY 👄 SE HÀBLO ESPAÑOL PAPI - 22
(Houston, 59 and west airport 80 InCall Sp)
】★【HOT 】💦💦💙YOuNg☆ KiNkY ☆ Dr!Pp!nG ☆ t!GhT ☆ SeXY☆ FreAK☆ AvAiLaBLe NoW💙 incalls today only!! - 28
(Little Rock, hotsprings / hot springs outcall only)
💥$50 HUMP DAY SPECIAL 💋COME See SEXY LEXY❗❗ 614-893-4507 - 30
(Columbus, WEST Columbus near casino Hilliard)
♥ HOT! NEW PIXS OF This SeXy EUROPEAN CHICK! ( AVAiLABLE NoW) & Im 100% IndePeNdEnT - 21
_ EVERyONE'S FAVORiTE ___ߒܟ__ TAKE a PEEK ___ߒܟ__ NO DiSSAPOiNTMENTS __ (( 100% ME )) - 21
(Houston, Houston In/Outcalls)
((100%Real PicS) ..☆ WARNING CUBAN BEAUTY ☆ ೋ •* ☆ HIGHLY ☆ ೋ ೋ•*'"*• ADDICTIVE •*'"* ☆ BOMBSHELL☆ ೋ 🍬 🍰 - 20
$100 will get u what u need all u have to do is call me - 23
(Columbus, incall n outcall* special for incall)
Double your pleasure with 2 Super Busty Babes Last night in town CC accepted - 28
(Little Rock, West lr & surrounding 24/7)